Progress Driving: Lessons in Tewkesbury, Cheltenham, Walton Cardiff, Twyning, Upton upon Severn, Bishop's Cleeve, Eckington, Pershore and Evesham

  • Tewkesbury
  • Cheltenham
  • Walton Cardiff
  • Evesham
  • Twyning
  • Eckington
  • Bishop's Cleeve
  • Eckington

Advanced drivers

As the roads get busier, it gets harder to stay safe. In a Progress Driving learning session, we can help you as the driver to examine your surroundings and feel safer. As a bonus, the techniques you will be using will give you more miles on each tank.

Give us a call, send an e-mail or a text or contact us via Facebook messenger or WhatsApp, and we’ll set it up.

In the meantime, here are 3 tips:

Plan ahead. Watch the furthest point of the road ahead, and the vehicles ahead of the one in front of you. That way, you can plan what you need to do, because of what you see them doing.

Keep your distance. Keep a 2 second gap between you and the vehicle ahead. That way, when they stop, you can too. What do you do? Kangaroo! Get the rear of the vehicle ahead passing a sign, a tree or a bridge, and then count 1 kangaroo, 2 kangaroo. If you get to the fixed point before you’ve finished, you’re too close. Drop back.

When it’s raining, make sure the gap’s twice as big – make it 4 Kangaroos.

Slow down. To get there, we need to go fast, yes? Research from the Transport Research Laboratory shows that going quick doesn’t get you there hardly any sooner, BUT you will be more stressed. If it looks like you’re going to be late, call ahead hands free and tell them. It will inform people at your destination, it will relax you, and de-stress your driving.


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